Xeerpa, Madrid | Sortlist
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Madrid, Espagne
Xeerpa: Social Login, Actionable Intelligence Socialize your CRM to take your marketing campaigns and UX experience personalization to the next level. Xeerpa brings an innovative social network profiling technology which allows to leverage the benefits of social login by collecting and analysing the big data users share on social networks, such as their interests, travel history, brand affinity, influence and engagement scores. Why Xeerpa? Xeerpa’s technology provides brands with actionable intelligence that allows marketing teams to create powerful segmentations, personalize campaigns, identify qualified leads, and take the user experience to the new level. Xeerpa has a solid track record of increasing conversion rates, boosting ROI and customer loyalty of multinational companies, such as AMC Networks, BBVA, Heineken, Iberia, Nestlé, Porsche, Shiseido… as well as smaller companies from a variety of industries.  Access a range of KPIs allowing you to analyze information that your users share across social media platforms, on not only a macro level, but also as individual target segments. With such granularity you can easily identify what makes your users unique. For example, you may want to compare young users with high engagement scores across multiple custom segments like Runners, Movie Lovers or Vegans.    How does it work? Through a Social Login integrated in websites, promotions, Wi-Fi spots or mobile apps, Xeerpa extracts users’ social network data, willingly shared with the brands, applies the analysis algorithms in real time and presents the results on ready-to-use, user-friendly dashboards. Xeerpa easily integrates into most CRM and BI tools. Learn more: https://xeerpa.com/solutions/ What does it do? Based on the social network activity, Xeerpa analyses the individual’s likes, hobbies and interests in 300+ categories, as well as the individual’s influence, engagement and brand affinity rates. These insights are presented in a form of One-to-one Profiles and Dashboards with aggregated stats. In a matter of seconds, the client can apply complex filters, and export target segments to marketing campaign management tolls. Xeerpa sheds a light on the social world of each of your users by creating individual profiles based on: Interest score  in over 300 categories Favorite  brands, products and communities Social Influence, Engagement, Promotioner  and  Fan Value  scores for each user Socio-demographic, educational and professional  background Geo-Location  details,  check-ins Favorite  apps  and  platforms
15 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Espagnol, Portugais, Russe
6 projets dans leur portefeuille
Travaille à distance à travers le monde
Fondée en 2011
1 prix décerné
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Ce profil n'est pas géré par le propriétaire de l'agence. Êtes-vous son propriétaire ? Revendiquer cette agence


15 services offerts par Xeerpa

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  • Description

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    Compétences en Web analytique/Big data (9)
    Social Media AnalysisSocial Network AdvertisingCustomer ExperienceCustom CRMSocial LoginSocial Network AnalyticsBig DataAnálisis Big DataSocial Media
    Projets en Web analytique/Big data (6)
    SHISEIDO - Web analytique/Big data
    CALIDAD PASCUAL - Web analytique/Big data
    STYLELOVELY.COM - Web analytique/Big data
    GRUPO PRISA - Web analytique/Big data
    Clients en Web analytique/Big data (6)
    ShiseidoHôpitaux et Santé | international
    Calidad PascualAlimentaire | national
    StyleLovely.comAccessoires & vêtements | national
    Grupo PrisaMédias | international

    En savoir plus sur Web analytique/Big data

  • Description

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    En savoir plus sur Data Consulting

  • Description

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    Compétences en Réseaux sociaux (3)
    Facebook AdvertisingRedes Sociales MarketingFacebook Advertising

    En savoir plus sur Réseaux sociaux

  • Description

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    Compétences en Stratégie digitale (7)
    Obtención de leadMarketing de AfiliaciónGestión de lealtadVenta socialGestión de relación con el clienteConsultoría CRMCRM

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitale

  • Description

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    Compétences en Design & graphisme (1)
    Diseño de Packaging

    En savoir plus sur Design & graphisme

  • Description

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    Compétences en Email Marketing (1)
    Correo directo

    En savoir plus sur Email Marketing

  • Description

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    Compétences en Publicité (2)
    Publicidad en radioServicio completo

    En savoir plus sur Publicité

  • Description

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    En savoir plus sur Marketing d'influence

  • Description

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    En savoir plus sur Packaging

  • Description

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    En savoir plus sur E-commerce

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15 membres dans l'équipe de Xeerpa

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Xeerpa a été récompensé 1 fois

PYME INNOVADORA by Government of Spain2017-11-30Innovation, SMEs

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Coordonnées de Xeerpa



  • Siège socialCalle de Albarracín, 58, 28037 Madrid, Spain